Cosmos’ parents don’t get along anymore and are always arguing and sad. Cosmos is sad too. When his parents tell him that they are getting divorced he goes through the natural emotions and asks the important question, “Was it something I did?” Reassured that it wasn’t, Cosmos begins to tell his friends at school, who also react in a natural way. Through the process, Cosmos learns some things about his parents, his friends and himself. Keeping his room clean in both homes is still going to be a parental concern, and spending time with both of his parents is still going to create a loving environment.
Dr. Annie Thiel knows how to address these issues, and so many more. Having over 30 years of experience as a child psychologist gives her the best possible role requirements to play as an author of this and other titles that will be of high family value. The story is simply written to directly answer the concerns of children in this age group. Straight forward and to the point, but friendly and engaging, children will relate to every word. The illustrations are bright and colorful and full of life, lending to an atmosphere of interest and potential personal growth for readers. I look forward to Dr. Thiel’s other titles, which involve a new baby brother, moving, and a parent having to go to the hospital. It’s about time that the youngest children’s needs are addressed in such a loving and caring way. I highly recommend this title to family therapists, divorcing parents, and teachers everywhere.
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